
Sponsors & Exhibitors

Become a Sponsor

TNRIS is pleased to invite you to participate in our 2018 Texas GIS Forum in Austin, Texas. The GIS Forum is the premiere event in Texas offering the network and power of nationally recognized experts in the geospatial field. This is an unparalleled opportunity to share your company and organization with a respected audience of geospatial professionals.

Be sure to take a look at the A la Carte Sponsorship options , which offer a way for organizations to support the forum without signing up for a particular sponsor level, or to expand the reach of their selected sponsor package.

Participating as a Sponsor and Exhibitor will:

  • Extend your recognition and drive traffic to your booth
  • Introduce your new products, solutions, and services
  • Reach your target market and network with the decision makers of the geospatial field

Reach for maximum visibility with the geospatial and location-based service industries through:

  • Email blasts to previous attendees
  • Digital and print advertising
  • Conference promotions
  • Exclusive exhibit hours
  • Networking reception
  • Onsite promotions
  • Technical demos

Platinum Sponsor/Exhibitor ($5,250)


Premium location of a 10x20 exhibit space (with carpet, electricity), 1 draped table, 2 chairs, trash receptacle and wireless internet access. Note: 10x10 booth space available upon request

Promotions Include:

  • 5-minute on-stage welcoming or opening statement prior to keynote address (Optional).
  • The choice of one from featured sponsor opportunities:
    • 45-minute uncontested presentation slot on the agenda to demonstrate products and services ( 2 available) Both Claimed
    • Featured Sponsorship of Wednesday Evening Social with opening statement Already Claimed

IMPORTANT: Your choice is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is optional.

  • Verbal and visual recognition of sponsorship during opening remarks and throughout the Forum.
  • Five (5) free registrations for staff and guests to all Forum functions including presentations, breaks, lunches, and social events.
  • Large logo on Forum sponsorship banner prominently displayed in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Prominent placement of the corporate logo on the front page of the TNRIS website.
  • Prominent placement of the corporate logo (with links to corporate website) on the Forum website.
  • Logo featured prominently on stage, general signage, and all promotional materials.
  • Prominently placed logo printed on the Forum program.
  • Promotional article, with sponsor-provided content, on TNRIS website and Forum website.
  • Your corporate print marketing materials added to the Forum packet for all attendees.

Gold Sponsor/Exhibitor ($3,750)


Highly desirable location of a 10x10 exhibit space (with electricity), draped table, 2 chairs, trash receptacle, and wireless internet access.

Promotions Include:

  • Verbal and visual recognition of your sponsorship during opening remarks at the Forum.
  • Three (3) free registrations for staff and guests to all Forum functions including presentations, breaks, lunches, and social events.
  • Large logo on Forum sponsorship banner prominently displayed in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Placement of the corporate logo (with links to corporate website) on the Forum website.
  • Logo printed on the Forum agenda program given to all attendees.
  • Your corporate marketing materials added to the Forum packet for all attendees.

Silver Sponsor/Exhibitor ($2,750)


Desirable location 10x10 exhibit space (with electricity), draped table, 2 chairs, trash receptacle, and wireless internet access.

Promotions Include:

  • Two (2) free registrations for staff and guest to all Forum functions including presentations, breaks, lunches, and social events.
  • Logo printed on the Forum agenda program given to all attendees.
  • Logo on Forum sponsorship banner displayed in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Logo on Forum website.

Exhibitor Only ($1,750 – Limit 10)

Note: Some conditions apply.


10x10 exhibit space (with electricity), draped table, 2 chairs, and trash receptacle.

Promotions Include:

  • One (1) free registration to all Forum functions including presentations, breaks, lunches, and social events.
  • Name printed on the Forum agenda program given to all attendees.
  • Listing on Forum website.

Exhibitor Only option is reserved for small businesses or start-up companies with less than 25 employees, $2 million in annual revenue, or have been in existence for less than two years.

A La Carte Sponsorship Options

Sponsorship of any of the options below include your logo printed and posted during the event timeframe. You also receive an honorable mention in the conference program as well as verbal recognition.

Note: Companies do not need to be a selected sponsor level (Platinum, Gold, or Silver) in order to sponsor any of the options below. Sponsoring an option below by itself does not qualify you for a designated sponsor level. Platinum, Gold, and Silver level sponsors can purchase the additional options below.

Co-Sponsor the Forum Social - $1000

Culinary Dropout logoThe Forum Social is where attendees get to relax, catch up, and enjoy food and fun at this year's venue, Culinary Dropout. Make sure that your organization has a prominent place in their minds as they celebrate. Your logo will be included in the promotion of the Forum Social, online and at the event.

Name Tag Lanyards - $1000

lanyardPlace your company logo on name tag holders that will be worn by each conference attendee for the duration of the conference. The GIS Forum conference management will work with the sponsor to select the badges. The GIS Forum conference committee will produce the badges and will be responsible for the purchase of the badges.

breakfastDuring breakfast, sponsors will be recognized with prominently displayed posters. Sponsors may provide give-a-way items that will be placed strategically in the breakfast area.

  • Wednesday - $500 - 2 Available 1 claimed, 1 available
  • Thursday - $500 - 2 Available
  • Friday - $500 - 1 Available

lunchDuring lunch, sponsors will be recognized with prominently displayed posters. Sponsors have the opportunity to place give-a-way items on the lunch tables.

  • Wednesday - $750 - 2 Available Both Claimed
  • Thursday - $750 - 2 Available

coffee During the coffee breaks, sponsors will be recognized with prominently displayed posters. Sponsors may provide give-a-way items that will be placed strategically in the break area.

  • Wednesday AM - $250 – 2 available
  • Wednesday PM - $250 – 2 available
  • Thursday AM - $250 – 2 available
  • Thursday PM - $250 – 2 available
  • Friday AM - $250 – 1 available

Program Mobile Application - $500

Place your company logo on the mobile application that the TNRIS developers will create

After viewing the Sponsor Rules and Regulations , visit the link to register as a sponsor.

Job Board

now hiring post-it noteIf you're looking to fill GIS positions, there's no better place to put out the call than at the Forum, where the most highly qualified GIS practicioners in Texas will be gathered in one place. Submit your job opening, and we'll have it posted up at the conference.

Sponsor the social

Platinum Sponsors

appgeo logo and link to website Surdex geospatial logo and link Esri logo and link to website

Gold Sponsors

Geocortex logo and link

Silver Sponsors

Fugro logo and link SCAUG logo and link GeoComm logo and link Aecom geospatial logo and link McKim & Creed logo and link Sanborn logo and link to website HP geospatial logo and link Hexagon logo and link Blue Marble logo and link


  • Tessellations Incorporated
  • Professional Plotter Technology