Day 1 - Monday, October 21
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Almost) Everything About Census Data and Geography
James Castagneri, U.S. Census Bureau; Lacey Loftin, U.S. Census Bureau
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Earth Observation with Satellite Remote Sensing and ArcGIS Pro
Teresa Howard
Location: TCEQ
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Insights for ArcGIS Local (Desktop)
Brig Bowles, ESRI
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The National Map (TNM) and National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
Claire DeVaughan, USGS
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Power of a Story: Presenting Your Work Using Esri Story Maps
Kathleen Clancy, ESRI
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Using R to Visualize US Census Data
Eric Pimpler, Geospatial Training Services
Location: TCEQ
Day 2 - Tuesday, October 22
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Earth Observation with Satellite Remote Sensing and QGIS
Teresa Howard
Location: TCEQ
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
GISP Update
Brian King, Freese & Nichols; Bill Hodge, GISCI
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Using ArcGIS and Open Source
Brig Bowles, ESRI
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
3-D Mapping with Point Cloud
Sean Moran, Austin Community College
Location: TCEQ Computer Training Lab
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Exploring Spatial Data Science Analysis and Workflows in Python
JD Godchaux, CARTO
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Getting the Most From Your Lidar Data
Joey Thomas, TNRIS; Julie Parker
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Real-Time GIS
Zena Pelletier, ESRI
Location: J.J. Pickle Research Center
Wednesday, October 23
Richard Wade, TNRIS Deputy Executive Administrator/State GIO
Keynote Presentation
Leon Logothetis, The Kindness Diaries
Leon Logothetis hosts Netflix's The Kindness Diaries. He travels the world relying on the kindness of strangers, giving back to unsuspecting good samaritans.
10:00AM - 5:00PM
ESRI HOLL (FREE Hands-On Learning Labs)
Throughout the day on Wednesday, ESRI will host self-guided courses in the Balcones Room covering ESRI software and key GIS techniques.
Stay tuned for course offerings.
Session A (Big Tex)
Strategic Mapping - Celebrating Successful Public and Private Partnerships
Moderated by Gayla Mullins, StratMap Program Manager
10:30 – 11:00AM
Program overview - How everyone benefits
Celebrate this 10 year milestone with us as TNRIS program Specialists provide an overview of program benefits and major accomplishments gained for the Texas GIS community and the public in general. Learn how the program has enhanced the purchasing power of GIS data and services in Texas and how that translates into problems solved for the greater good of humans and our environment.
11:00– 11:30AM
Success Stories
Hear first-hand from StratMap data, services and software providers as well as Texas government users on the direct impact the program has had on their work. Industry experts from both sectors will tell the human side of the successes they achieve over and over through this model.
11:30AM – 12:00PM
What's New?
Learn about new program goals and details on the next phase of public/private partnerships in Texas. Engage with a Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) representative who will describe the new contract solicitation process and answer any questions. How can the contracting model help you as a user or as a provider? What do you want to see on the contract that's different? What improvements could be made? Following the session, program experts (actual humans) from TNRIS and DIR will be on hand to answer additional questions.
Session B (Li'l TEX)
Programming Insights
10:30 – 11:00AM
Programming with GIS?! Yes You Can!
Stephanie Long, Austin Community College
11:00– 11:30AM
Calculating the Boundary of Oil Fields in Texas using Python in a GIS Workflow
Harold Rogers, Bureau of Economic Geology
11:30AM – 12:00PM
2019: A C-Sharp Odyssey... Migrating Python Add-ins from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro
John Phillips & Matt Washburn, Texas Department of Transportation
Platinum Sponsor Presentation
Using ArcGIS to Tell Human Stories 
Presented by Paul Ross
For centuries people have been telling stories and communicating with maps. Today, WebGIS makes it fast and easy to create and share important information and stories locally or even worldwide. In this session, Paul will discuss how new tools like StoryMaps, Dashboards and app-building products combine with SaaS to create new and exciting ways to create information products and share them.
Session A (Big Tex)
Automation Nation
2:00 – 2:30PM
Out of Order: ArcGIS Arcade to Play When You Otherwise Couldn't
Jordan Carmona, GISP, City of McKinney
2:30 - 3:00PM
Leveraging Python to Automate GIS Updates and Reporting in an Appraisal District
Keith Dailey, Bexar Appraisal District
3:00 – 3:30PM
Programmatic Metadata Augmentation and Processing for Enhancing Data Discoverability
Michael Shensky, University of Texas at Austin
Session B (Li'l TEX)
Saving our World
2:00 – 2:30PM
Monitoring Spatial-Temporal Patterns of PM2.5 For Improved Understanding of Air Pollution Dynamics Using Portable Sensing Technologies
Lu Liang, University of North Texas
2:30 - 3:00PM
Collecting and Managing Sensitive Data: Palo Duro Canyon Hosts 2019 TAS Archaeological Field School
Michael Potts, Ceran Hibbard, Jennifer Estes, TPWD
3:00 – 3:30PM
Fine Resolution Mapping of Houston Toad Breeding Pond Habitat
Laura Chapa, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Panel: Preparing for GIS Leadership. Carpe Geo - Part Deux
Moderator: Bill Johnson, AppGeoPanelists
- Selena Walsh, Director – Executive Management in Public Leadership, LBJ School of Public Affairs
- Molly Schar, Director – National States Geographic Information Council
- Ed Kelly, Chief Data Officer – Department of Information Resources
- Richard Wade – GIO of Texas and Deputy Executive Administrator at the Texas Water Development Board
Today’s and tomorrow’s GIS leaders are being called upon to manage the complexity of rapidly expanding data volumes, with ever changing technologies, while meeting rising expectations about the availability and accessibility of location data. This presentation will extend the ideas Bill introduced in his “Carpe Geo & Parvus Momentum” keynote presentation at the 2018 Texas GIS Forum. After a quick recap on the core ideas of “seizing the GIS opportunity”, this presentation will move on to describing overlay skills (above and beyond competencies in GIS, communication, coordination, and leadership) that create the conditions for success as an emerging GIS leader. These points will be illustrated with stories and examples and will conclude with some thoughts on opportunities ready for today’s GIS leaders to seize.
Thursday, October 24
Keynote Presentation
Leslie Sweet, Senior Director of Public Affairs for H-E-B
Note: Our original keynote, Justen Noakes, was unable to attend and Leslie Sweet, Director of Public Affairs for H-E-B, presented in his place
Leslie Sweet is H-E-B's Senior Director of Public Affairs, who gave an overview of H-E-B's robust and dedicated Disaster Response work.
10:00AM - 4:00PM
ESRI HOLL (FREE Hands-On Learning Labs)
Throughout the day on Thursday, ESRI will host self-guided courses in the Balcones Room covering ESRI software and key GIS techniques.
Stay tuned for course offerings.
Session A (Big Tex)
Emergency Management
10:30 – 11:00AM
Hurricane Emergency Response - Operational and Technical Infrastructure Challenges
JD Godchaux, Customer Success Manager with CARTO | Jeff Goalen, Director of Budget Support Services at Harris County, Texas, Dominic Lai, Budget Support Services at Harris County, Texas
11:00– 11:30AM
Materials Management for Debris Planning and Emergency Response – The Disaster Debris Recovery Tool (DDRT)
Rachel Snavely & Erik Christianson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6
11:30AM – 12:00PM
GIS and Water Rescue
Ronald Vaughn, Dallas Fire Department
Session B (Li'l TEX)
Transportation Analysis
10:30 – 11:00AM
Let’s Shake On It – Providing Roadway Match Points across Multiple Jurisdictions
Ken Haenel & Sean Moran, Austin Community College Incubator for Professional Skills
11:00– 11:30AM
NoSQL? No Problem. Using a Graph-based Database Can Improve Data Modeling and Analysis
Morgen Healy, Applied Geographics, Inc. | James Graham & Osheen Safarian, District of Columbia Department of Transportation
11:30AM – 12:00PM
Tribal GIS for Transportation Planning
Ryan Fennell, Atkins
Platinum Sponsor Presentation
What's Driving Your Data? 
Presented by Kate Hickey and Morgen Healy
Organizations are spending more time and money than ever on data, data science, and analytics. There is no question that data platforms are increasingly powerful and are a key ingredient to success. But organizations are making far more progress on the technological front of data use than the human one. Organizations want to leverage their data to make better decisions and improve outcomes, but in order to achieve this they also need to consider organizational realities, which is where the complexities lie. In this talk we will discuss various approaches and strategies for leveraging data (geospatial or otherwise) within your organization.
Session A (Big Tex)
City Smarts GIS
2:00 – 2:30PM
Improving Community Services by Helping Citizens Find Their Lost Pets Through Interactive Web Map
Ari Kassin-Fuentes - Javier Jaime - Alan Lara, City of El Paso
2:30 - 3:00PM
Leveraging GIS to Communicate Water Outages
Holly Pryor - Joe Sepulveda, City of Georgetown, Texas
3:00 – 3:30PM
Creating Open Data: Deliverables for Humans
Jordan Carmona, GISP, City of McKinney
Session B (Li'l TEX)
2:00 – 2:30PM
Coming to a Theater Near You, Your GIS in 3D!
Timothy Bohn, SURDEX Corp
2:30 - 3:00PM
Application of Drone Photogrammetry and LiDAR in Volumetric Change Analysis of Permanent School Fund Surface Mines
Daniel Gao - Bill Farr - Scot Friedman, Texas General Land Office
3:00 – 3:30PM
Improving 3D Buildings into Realistic Objects
Miguel Pavon, Texas Natural Resources Information System
Break & Exhibits
Session A (Big Tex)
Census 2020
4:00 – 4:30PM
2020 Census Geographic Programs Debrief
Jim Castagneri - Lacey Loftin, U.S. Census Bureau
4:30 - 5:00PM
Demonstration of Data.census.gov
Lacey Loftin, U.S. Census Bureau
Session B (Li'l TEX)
Workflow GIS
4:00 – 4:30PM
Improving Property Data Management at the San Antonio River Authority
Philip Brown - Elizabeth Garcia, San Antonio River Authority | Caitlin Schneider, Applied Geographics, Inc.
4:30 - 5:00PM
Analyzing Food Inspection Scores in Austin, TX using Spatial Statistics
Nathaniel Dede-Bamfo, Texas State University
Closing Remarks - Richard Wade, TNRIS Deputy Executive Administrator/GIO
Friday, October 25
Town Hall: State of the State Cont'd
State Initiatives and Data Priorities
Land Parcels, Address Points, Lidar Roadmap, Statewide Imagery
Scanning for TNRIS's Historical Imagery Archive
Open Discussion & Closing Remarks
- USGS Water Science Center
- Tessellations Incorporated
- Austin Community College, GIS and Geospatial Engineering Departments
- TeachMeGIS
- The Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science (CBI) at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
- Razor-Tek
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)